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Download Juknis BOS 2023: Semua yang Perlu Anda Ketahui

Download Juknis BOS 2023: A Guide for Indonesian Schools

If you are an Indonesian school administrator, teacher, or parent, you might have heard about Juknis BOS 2023. But what is it exactly and why is it important? How can you download it and what are the benefits and requirements of using it? In this article, we will answer these questions and provide you with a comprehensive guide on how to download Juknis BOS 2023.

download juknis bos 2023

What is Juknis BOS 2023?

Juknis BOS 2023 is a technical guide for the management of operational assistance funds for educational units in Indonesia. It is issued by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) in Regulation No. 63 of 2022. It covers the operational assistance funds for early childhood education (BOP PAUD), schools (BOS), and equivalency education (BOP Kesetaraan).

BOP PAUD is a fund that supports the operational costs of non-personnel activities for early childhood education providers. BOS is a fund that supports the operational costs of non-personnel activities for basic and secondary education providers as part of the compulsory education program. BOP Kesetaraan is a fund that supports the operational costs of non-personnel activities for equivalency education providers.

Juknis BOS 2023 provides detailed information on the criteria, procedures, components, and reporting of the operational assistance funds for educational units. It also explains the roles and responsibilities of various stakeholders involved in the management of the funds, such as Kemendikbudristek, regional governments, educational offices, schools, parents, and communities.

Why is Juknis BOS 2023 important?

Juknis BOS 2023 is important because it provides a clear and consistent framework for the management of operational assistance funds for educational units in Indonesia. It aims to ensure that the funds are used in an accountable, transparent, and effective way, and that they support the improvement of access, quality, and equity of education services in Indonesia. It also supports the implementation of the national and regional policies and priorities in the education sector, such as the national education standards, the curriculum, the teacher competency, and the student achievement.

By following Juknis BOS 2023, educational units can benefit from the operational assistance funds to address their operational needs and challenges, such as improving the learning facilities and infrastructure, providing the learning materials and media, enhancing the teacher professional development, facilitating the student participation and achievement, and strengthening the school governance and accountability.

How to download Juknis BOS 2023?

Juknis BOS 2023 can be downloaded from the official website of Kemendikbudristek or from other sources that provide the PDF file. Juknis BOS 2023 consists of three documents: the regulation, appendix I, and appendix II. The regulation contains the general provisions, objectives, scope, criteria, procedures, components, reporting, monitoring, evaluation, and sanctions of the operational assistance funds for educational units. Appendix I contains the technical guidelines for BOP PAUD. Appendix II contains the technical guidelines for BOS and BOP Kesetaraan.

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Tips download juknis bos bosp 2023 pdf

To download Juknis BOS 2023 from the official website of Kemendikbudristek, you can follow these steps:

  • Go to, which is the official website of Kemendikbudristek.

  • On the homepage, click on the menu "Peraturan" on the top right corner.

  • On the submenu, click on "Peraturan Menteri" to see the list of regulations issued by Kemendikbudristek.

  • On the list, find "Permendikbudristek Nomor 63 Tahun 2022 tentang Petunjuk Teknis Pengelolaan Dana Bantuan Operasional Pendidikan Satuan Pendidikan Tahun Anggaran 2023" and click on it to see the details.

  • On the details page, you will see three links to download the regulation, appendix I, and appendix II. Click on each link to download the corresponding document.

To download Juknis BOS 2023 from other sources, you can search for "download juknis bos 2023" on any search engine and find a reliable source that provides the PDF file. However, you should always verify that the source is trustworthy and that the file is authentic and updated.

What are the benefits of Juknis BOS 2023?

Juknis BOS 2023 provides many benefits for educational units in Indonesia. Some of these benefits are:

  • Juknis BOS 2023 helps educational units to plan, implement, monitor, and evaluate the use of operational assistance funds in a systematic and efficient way.

  • Juknis BOS 2023 helps educational units to improve their performance, quality, and accountability in providing education services to their students and stakeholders.

  • Juknis BOS 2023 helps educational units to address their operational needs and challenges in accordance with the national and regional policies and priorities in the education sector.

  • Juknis BOS 2023 helps educational units to enhance their learning facilities and infrastructure, such as classrooms, libraries, laboratories, toilets, playgrounds, internet access, electricity supply, water supply, etc.

  • Juknis BOS 2023 helps educational units to provide their learning materials and media, such as textbooks, workbooks, modules, handbooks, journals, magazines, newspapers, posters, charts, maps, etc.

  • Juknis BOS 2023 helps educational units to enhance their teacher professional development, such as training, mentoring, coaching, supervision, certification, accreditation, etc.

  • Juknis BOS 2023 helps educational units to facilitate their student participation and achievement, such as enrollment, attendance, retention, graduation, assessment, evaluation, accreditation, etc.

  • Juknis BOS 2023 helps educational units to strengthen their school governance and accountability, such as planning, budgeting, reporting, auditing, monitoring, evaluation, etc.

What are the requirements for Juknis BOS 2023?

Juknis BOS 2023 also sets some requirements for educational units that want to receive and use the operational assistance funds. Some of these requirements are:

  • Educational units must meet the criteria set by Kemendikbudristek to be eligible for receiving the operational assistance funds. The criteria include the type, level, status, location, and accreditation of the educational units.

  • Educational units must use the operational assistance funds according to the components and guidelines specified by Kemendikbudristek. The components include the direct and indirect costs of non-personnel activities that support the education services. The guidelines include the allocation, distribution, utilization, and verification of the funds.

  • Educational units must report their realization and outcomes of using the operational assistance funds to Kemendikbudristek and other stakeholders. The reporting includes the financial and narrative reports that show the accountability and transparency of the funds. The outcomes include the indicators and targets that show the effectiveness and impact of the funds.


Juknis BOS 2023 is a technical guide for the management of operational assistance funds for educational units in Indonesia. It is issued by Kemendikbudristek in Regulation No. 63 of 2022. It covers the operational assistance funds for early childhood education (BOP PAUD), schools (BOS), and equivalency education (BOP Kesetaraan).

Juknis BOS 2023 is important because it provides a clear and consistent framework for the management of operational assistance funds for educational units in Indonesia. It aims to ensure that the funds are used in an accountable, transparent, and effective way, and that they support the improvement of access, quality, and equity of education services in Indonesia. It also supports the implementation of the national and regional policies and priorities in the education sector.

Juknis BOS 2023 can be downloaded from the official website of Kemendikbudristek or from other sources that provide the PDF file. Juknis BOS 2023 consists of three documents: the regulation, appendix I, and appendix II. The regulation contains the general provisions, objectives, scope, criteria, procedures, components, reporting, monitoring, evaluation, and sanctions of the operational assistance funds for educational units. Appendix I contains the technical guidelines for BOP PAUD. Appendix II contains the technical guidelines for BOS and BOP Kesetaraan.

Juknis BOS 2023 provides many benefits for educational units in Indonesia. It helps them to plan, implement, monitor, and evaluate the use of operational assistance funds in a systematic and efficient way. It also helps them to improve their performance, quality, and accountability in providing education services to their students and stakeholders. It also helps them to address their operational needs and challenges in accordance with the national and regional policies and priorities in the education sector.

Juknis BOS 2023 also sets some requirements for educational units that want to receive and use the operational assistance funds. They must meet the criteria set by Kemendikbudristek to be eligible for receiving the funds. They must also use the funds according to the components and guidelines specified by Kemendikbudristek. They must also report their realization and outcomes of using the funds to Kemendikbudristek and other stakeholders.

In conclusion, Juknis BOS 2023 is a useful and valuable resource for Indonesian schools that want to benefit from the operational assistance funds. It provides a clear and consistent framework for the management of the funds. It also supports the improvement of access, quality, and equity of education services in Indonesia. It can be downloaded from the official website of Kemendikbudristek or from other sources that provide the PDF file.


Here are some frequently asked questions about Juknis BOS 2023:

  • What is the difference between BOP PAUD, BOS, and BOP Kesetaraan?

BOP PAUD is a fund that supports the operational costs of non-personnel activities for early childhood education providers. BOS is a fund that supports the operational costs of non-personnel activities for basic and secondary education providers as part of the compulsory education program. BOP Kesetaraan is a fund that supports the operational costs of non-personnel activities for equivalency education providers.

  • How much are the operational assistance funds for each educational unit?

The amount of the operational assistance funds for each educational unit depends on several factors, such as the type, level, status, location, number of students, number of teachers, and accreditation of the educational unit. The details of the amount can be found in appendix I and appendix II of Juknis BOS 2023.

  • How are the operational assistance funds distributed to each educational unit?

The operational assistance funds are distributed to each educational unit through a mechanism called "penyaluran dana bantuan operasional pendidikan" or "PDBOP". PDBOP is a system that transfers the funds from Kemendikbudristek to regional governments, then to educational offices, then to schools or equivalency education providers. The details of the mechanism can be found in chapter IV of Juknis BOS 2023.

  • How can educational units use the operational assistance funds?

Educational units can use the operational assistance funds according to the components and guidelines specified by Kemendikbudristek. The components include the direct and indirect costs of non-personnel activities that support the education services. The guidelines include the allocation, distribution, utilization, and verification of the funds. The details of the components and guidelines can be found in chapter V and VI of Juknis BOS 2023.

  • How can educational units report the realization and outcomes of using the operational assistance funds?

Educational units must report their realization and outcomes of using the operational assistance funds to Kemendikbudristek and other stakeholders. The reporting includes the financial and narrative reports that show the accountability and transparency of the funds. The outcomes include the indicators and targets that show the effectiveness and impact of the funds. The details of the reporting can be found in chapter VII and VIII of Juknis BOS 2023.


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