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Ezra Rogers
Ezra Rogers

Monks Bread Where To Buy

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monks bread where to buy

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The abbey is home to 24 Roman Catholic contemplative monks whose lives are made up of reading, meditation, prayer and manual labor in an atmosphere of simplicity, silence and community. People from all faith traditions and backgrounds visit the monastery to walk the grounds and join the monks in prayer.

Over the past several years, the monks have stepped up efforts to welcome people who wish to take a quiet break from their busy lives. It recently unveiled a major renovation of a former garage into a conference room and a spacious store. The monks also have launched new programs at their retreat houses.

The Catholic monks, who come from around the United States as well as Canada, China and India, belong to the Order of Cistercians of the Strict Observance. They are commonly known as Trappists, named for La Trappe Abbey in Normandy, France, where the group originated in 1664.

The Abbey of the Genesee is known for its line of Monks' Breads, made in a large bakery near the monks' living quarters on the grounds of the abbey. The bread bakery was originally staffed entirely by monks; now, six laypeople work full time in the bakery alongside the monks. Many of the older monks prepare less physically demanding products such as biscotti, fruit and nut bars and cheese crisps.

Demand for the monks' bread has declined precipitously as consumers are either forgoing carbs or seeking different kinds of breads, like gluten free, artisan and organic. Sales have declined from 40,000 loaves per week in 2017 to 15,000 loaves per week. The monks have responded by starting an artisan line of breads, made from New York grown wheat, two of which are naturally leavened sourdough loaves. These are currently sold only at the monastery store and online.

The monks are also making forays into farming. They grow a vegetable garden from which the monks are fed, and also started a CSA membership program (the program has almost sold out for 2019). They also are raising pigs, cattle and turkeys on a small scale. This summer, they will plant six heirloom varieties of wheat to see what grows well in their soil, with an eye toward growing wheat for their breads.

The monks still pray seven times a day, following an ancient form of prayer called the Liturgy of the Hours. They wake at around 3 a.m. for the first service of the day, Vigils, at 3:30 a.m. The final service, called Compline, is held at 7:30 p.m.; after that, the monks will not speak until 8 a.m. the next day.

People who encounter the monks during a visit may be surprised to find that the monks do not take a vow of silence. In fact, when the monks are in the public areas of the monastery, they are friendly and sociable, and consider hospitality to be part of their ministry.

Years ago, the monks set up a display of breads outside the chapel, and people who wanted to make a purchase deposited their payment into a slot in a wall. Next came a small makeshift shop, but the chatter it generated detracted from the quiet, prayerful environment desired for the area near the chapel.

These activities have now been moved down a hall to a former garage renovated at a cost of more than $500,000 (a large bequest covered a substantial portion of the renovation). A large conference room is available for monks to give presentations to groups, such as bus tours that stop while heading to and from Letchworth State Park.

The Bethlehem retreat house, which has 16 rooms, is offered for silent individual retreats. (One room of the house and some outside areas are designated for conversations.) Visitors choose their own schedules; options include joining in the monks' liturgies, praying, reading and visiting the resident goats and chickens. There are also many quiet places to walk on the public grounds of the abbey or even the trails of the adjoining Genesee Valley Greenway State Park. Internet services are not offered and cell phones may be used only in the parking lot.

For those with a deep interest in monastic life, but not ready to join the order, the abbey has started a guest program during which participants live and work alongside the monks for one to six months. It is open to single Catholic men under 50 who are attracted to monastic life, but not necessarily considering a lifelong vocation.

The Abbey of the Genesee is a group of Roman Catholic monks that belong to the worldwide order of the Cistercians or Trappists. Their lives are dedicated to seeking complete union with God through Jesus Christ. Some of the monks are priests, but not all are. All monks answer to the Pope and only talk when they are working in the public.

Not only do they make delicious bread, but you can find fruit bars, fruit cakes, and coffee at the bakery as well. While I love their sunflower bread here are some you should try if you get the chance!

To stay honest, that is a perfect partnership for us because we can drive to take retreat there, and the bread was really fresh when distributed at Mass the next day after pick up! Due to your location, shipping might be prohibitive. Many miles mean more fuel as well as cost. Maybe you have a community closer to you where you could schedule a retreat while picking up your products. All of these are factors when choosing your fundraising source.

The Abbey of the Genesee is a community of more than two dozen contemplative monks located near Piffard in the town of York, New York. They are a member of the Order of Cistercians of the Strict Observance, commonly known as the Trappists. They were founded from the Abbey of Gethsemani in Bardstown, Kentucky in 1951. The Abbey of the Genesee is well known for its production of "Monks' Bread" which is baked by the monks and sold commercially, providing an income stream to support the monastic community.[1]

A significant part of the monks' labor includes baking a brand of bread called Monks' Bread which is sold at the Abbey store and distributed to regional supermarkets. The sale of the bread helps support the abbey and its inhabitants. The bread was originally made by one of the monks, Brother Sylvester, for the monastic community and its guests. Over time, demand for loaves from outsiders gradually led to the development of the current commercial operation.

The bread is baked several times each week in the early hours of the morning. For that reason the monks go to bed around seven at night in order to rise about two in the morning. For reasons of security and hygiene, it is not possible to observe the baking process except through slides and photographs.

The abbey chapel is open from 3:30 am to 7:30 pm. The abbey store is open from 10:00am to 4:00pm on certain days. Casual visitors are able to enter only a restricted part of the abbey. The abbey is open to serious individual guests and small groups who wish to make a retreat and avail themselves of the counseling of the monks. A small fee is charged to cover expenses.

In 1974, the Dutch priest and writer Henri Nouwen was allowed to live with the community of monks as a temporary member for seven months. This is rather unusual, because while the Trappists do accept retreatants for some days, it is usually not possible to become a "temporary monk" as Nouwen did. The permission was granted particularly due to Nouwen's close friendship with Abbot John Eudes. 041b061a72


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